domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2010

Sentimento Fantasma

Sentimento Fantasma

Claro que o sentimento seria forte,

Se ele realmente parecesse existir.

Claro que a vida seria fácil,

Se tivéssemos as respostas para todas as perguntas.

Tudo o que sinto

São cinzas no meu peito oco.

Tudo o que já senti

São memórias que guardo com saudade.

Tudo que vou sentir

É uma incógnita,

Pois quem pode realmente dizer que sente, já sentiu ou vai sentir

Um sentimento fantasma?

Douglas Ruffa


terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2010

Teoria da Paranóia

Teoria da Paranóia

Matando alguns,

Para salvar outros.

Destruindo sonhos,

Para salvar dignidades.

O Mal tem, por vezes maior força,

O fraco nunca teve força

E o inevitável sempre será o mais forte.

Como poderei te condenar,

Se o culpado não foste tu,

Já que a flor escolhida,

Não foi escolhida por ti,

Já que amores entrelaçados,

Nunca passarão por sua mão?

Douglas Ruffa


sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2010

O Vale Dos Condenados

Meu primeiro mini-poema xD

O Vale Dos Condenados

Daqui do vale dos condenados,

O mundo é diferente,

Não é feio nem bonito,

Não é bom ou ruim,

Não é certo nem errado,

Não é livre ou aprisionado,

Não tem luz nem escuridão.

A esperança de que podemos mudar prevalece,

O desejo de sermos negados enraivece

E a indiferença dos sentimentos


Douglas Ruffa


quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2010

Field Of Innocence

E Finalmente, sendo meu blog, Evanescence não poderia faltar, né? Vai aí a letra com qual eu mais me identifico, talvez de todas as músicas que já ouvi:

Field Of Innocence - Evanescence

I still remember the world
From the eyes of a child
Slowly those feelings
Were clouded by what I know now

Where has my heart gone?
An uneven trade for the real world
oh, I, I want to go back to
Believing in everything and knowing nothing at all

I still remember the sun
Always warm on my back
Somehow it seems colder now

Where has my heart gone?
Trapped in the eyes of a stranger
oh, I, I want to go back to
Believing in everything

Iesu, Rex admirabiis
et triumphator nobilis,
dulcdu ineffabilis,
totus desiderabilis.

As the years pass by
Before my face,
As war rage before me,
I forced it out
In darkness of the storm
lies an evil,
but it's me

where has my heart gone?
an uneven trade for the real world
oh, I, I want to go back to
believing in everything

oh, where, where has my heart gone?
trapped in the eyes of a stranger
oh I, I want to go back to
believing in everything.

I still remember...

Consign To Oblivion

Esta é provavelmente a música com a melhor letra da banda Epica, ela é meio longa, mas realmente vale a pena:

Consign To Oblivion - Epica

How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed till the end

The only thing that counts is the prosperity of today
Most important to us is that our bills get paid

Our good intentions have always been delayed

How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed till the end
When we will stand in front of heaven's gate
It will be too late!

Try to unlearn all that you've learnt,
try to listen to your heart
No, we can't understand the universe
by just using our mind
We are so afraid of all the things unknown

A must we apeease is the lust to get laid
Nothing really matters, just devouring our prey

Our good intentions have always been delayed so
Our generous acts have always come too late

How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed till the end
When we will stand in front of heaven's gate
It will be too late!

Try to unlearn all that you've learnt,
try to listen to your heart
No, we can't understand the universe
by just using our mind
We are so afraid of the things unknown
We just flee into a dream that never comes true

Low, low, low to the ground we feel safe
Low, low, low to the ground we feel brave

Oblivisci tempta quod didicisti

Open your eyes; we're not in paradise
How can't you see, this stress is killing me
Fulfill your dreams; life is not what it seems
We have captured time
so time made us all hostages without mercy

Seemingly generous fooling ourselves

Selfishly venomous time tells

Too much thinking goes at the cost of all our intuition
Our thoughts create reality
But we neglect to be!
So we're already slaves of our artificial world
We shoudn't try to control life
but listen to the laws of nature

Open your eyes; we're not in paradise
How can't you see, this stress is killing me
Fulfill your dreams; life is not what it seems
We have captured time
so time made us all hostages without mercy

Low, low, low to the ground we feel safe
Low, low, low to the ground we feel brave

We all think we're generous
But we only fool ourselves
The only thing that matters is
Our way and our vision

Selfishly we're venomous
But you know the time tells us
There is more to life than our
Higher positions, race for perfection
Better, faster
We must return to the laws of the nature
Free ourselves from madness

Good Night, Travel Well.

Uma das minhas favoritas da banda "The Killers":

Goodnight, Travel Well – The Killers
The unknown distance to the gray beyond
Stares back at my grieving frame
To cast my shadow by the holy sun
My spirit moans, with a sacred pain

It's quiet now
The universe is standing still
And there's nothing I can say
There's nothing we can do now
And there's nothing I can say
There's nothing we can do now

And all that stands between the soul's release
This temporary flesh and bone
And know that it's over now
I feel my fading mind begin to roam
Every time you fall, and every time you try
Every foolish dream, and every compromise
Every word you spoke, and everything you said
Everything you left me, rambles in my head

And there's nothing I can say
There's nothing I can do now
And there's nothing I can say
There's nothing I can do now

Up above the world, so high

Everything you loved, and every time you try
Everybody's boxed in, and everybody cry
Stay, don't leave me, the stars can wait for your sign, don't signal now

There's nothing I can say
There's nothing I can do now
And there's nothing I can say
There's nothing I can do now

Goodnight, travel well

There's nothing I can say
Nothing I can do now

Goodnight, travel well


Esta música tem provavelmente a letra do Muse que eu mais gosto:

Hoodoo – Muse

Come into my life
Regress into a dream
We will hide
Build a new reality
Draw another picture
Of the life you could have had
Follow your instincts
And choose the other path

You should never be afraid
You're protected from trouble and pain
Why, Why is this a crisis in your eyes again

Taught to be
How did it come to be
Tied to a railroad
You'll have to set us free
Watch our souls fade away
Let our bodies crumble away
Don't be afraid

I will take the cold for you

And I've had recurring nightmares
That I was loved for who I am
And missed the opportunity
to be a better man

Love You To Death

Outra Música que tem me inspirado bastante nos últimos dias, de uma banda que conheci faz pouco tempo, mas logo percebi que era uma banda extraordinária :

Love You To Death - Kamelot

When they met she was fifteen
Like a black rose blooming wild
And she already knew
She was gonna die

"What's tomorrow without you?
This is our last goodbye..."

She got weaker every day
As the autumn leaves flew by
Until one day she told him:
This is when I die

What was summer like for you?
She asked him with a smile
What's tomorrow without you?
He silently replied

She said:

I will always be with you
I'm the anchor of your sorrow
There's no end to what I'll do
Cause I love you
I love you to death

But the sorrow went too deep
The mountain fell too steep
And the wounds would never heal

Cause the pain of the loss
Was more than he could feel

He said:

I will always be with you
By the anchor of my sorrow
All I know or ever knew
Is I love you
I love you to death

"What's tomorrow without you?
Is this our last goodbye?"

I will always be with you
I'm the anchor of your sorrow
There's no end to what I'll do
Cause I love you...

The Truth Beneath The Rose

The truth Beneath The Rose – Within Temptation

Give me strength to face the truth, the doubt within my soul
No longer I can justify the bloodshed in his name
Is it a sin to seek the truth, the truth beneath the rose?
Pray with me so I will find the gate to Heaven's door

I believed it would justify the means
It had a hold over me

Blinded to see the cruelty of the beast
It is the darker side of me
The veil of my dreams deceived all I have seen
Forgive me for what I have been
Forgive me my sins

Pray for me cause I have lost my faith in holy wars
Is paradise denied to me cause I can't take no more
Has darkness taken over me, consumed my mortal soul
All my virtues sacrificed, can Heaven be so cruel?

I believed it would justify the means
It had a hold over me

Blinded to see the cruelty of the beast
It is the darker side of me
The veil of my dreams deceived all I have seen
Forgive me for what I have been
Forgive me my sins

I'm hoping, I'm praying
I won't get lost between two worlds
For all I have seen the truth lies in between
Give me the strength to face the wrong that I have done
Now that I know the darkest side of me

How can blood be our salvation
And justify the pain that we have caused throughout the times
Will I learn what's truly sacred?
Will I redeem my soul, will truth set me free?

Blinded to see the cruelty of the beast
It is the darker side of me
The veil of my dreams deceived all I have seen
Forgive me for what I have been
Forgive me my sins

Esta Música tem chamado muito minha atenção esses últimos dias. Na minha opinião tem uma letra bem tocante e intrigante.

MInha Primeira Postagem =P

Primeira postagem no meu blog... Que emoção xD
Não sei direito por que eu fiz este blog, mas mesmo assim, acho que vai me ajudar a esvaziar a cabeça... Escrever é sempre algo legal para relaxar ^^